
Mise-en-scene blog task.

 1)  C- The younger characters costumes connote a halloween party dress up so they were dressing up, as it looks quite unserious. L- The lighting is very dark which tells us it is night time. Considering the deepness of the darkness tell the audience it is around midnight which is conventional for a halloween movie and tells us it is for a maintsream audience. A- The actors expressions are confused and concerned rather than scared. Which creates an enigma code making the audience wonder what they are looking at and what had just happened. M- The characters makeup is clearly to demonstrate the character/ costume they've dressed up as for the halloween theme. Which further implies that whatever they are looking at from the enigma code was completely unexpected for the characters. P- The male in the back is seen to be holding some sort of staff. Most likely as apart of his costume his chracter has dressed up as. S- The setting seems to be in the middle of a car park, possibly, at n

Media Awards review

 Stalker Following the girls home (A-level course work) - This video was really great and successfully portrayed mystery and suspense throughout the clip and through the use of camera angles and shots. The frequent uses of long angle shots gave a suspense feeling effectively making the audience wonder what is following them; the far shot creates an anonymous and fearful idea as it is as if the camera man or the audience is also afraid of the mysterious person and trying to keep a distance therefore highlighting how serious it is and heightens the experience. Just when each of the girls were about to get murdered, the close up on their face and then switch to the murderers face powerfully conveys the quickness and suddenness of it truly being something they didn't expect. The film was great. Manipulating time (GCSE coursework) - I found this creation great! The use of the editing creatively portrayed a fantasy idea, with the time relapsing and disappearance shows the genre of it was

Film and tv language

  Action code tells us there is going to be action. Sci-fi/Action genre- Hybrid genre (futuristic guns and lighting) Target audience possibly male teens and adults Protagonist as the hero and the antagonist as the villain.  Harrison Ford- Main actors name bigger than the title to promote and attract a wider mainstream audience. Using Star theory. female Antagonist gives, film noir genre interpretations or now known as neo noir . The femme fatal is shown through the cigarette prop. Lowkey lighting   Tagline tells us a little about the movie Critics Quotes contrasts the title. Promotes the movie in a way, to prove it is good. Genre is Comedy horror- Hybrid genre film Possible story line is a group of people who are being haunted. Goes against stereotypes. Bright colours but red is conventional colour for horror films as it connotes blood. Enigma Code : what are they looking at/ scared of? Parody movie of scream Positioning / body language and facial expressions is scared but o