Film and tv language

 E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\2334.jpgAction code tells us there is going to be action.

Sci-fi/Action genre- Hybrid genre (futuristic guns and lighting)

Target audience possibly male teens and adults

Protagonist as the hero and the antagonist as the villain. 

Harrison Ford- Main actors name bigger than the title to promote and attract a wider mainstream audience. Using Star theory.

female Antagonist gives, film noir genre interpretations or now known as neo noir. The femme fatal is shown through the cigarette prop.

Lowkey lighting 

Tagline tells us a little about the movie

Critics Quotes contrasts the title. Promotes the movie in a way, to prove it is good.

Genre is Comedy horror- Hybrid genre film

Possible story line is a group of people who are being haunted.

Goes against stereotypes. Bright colours but red is conventional colour for horror films as it connotes blood.

Enigma Code: what are they looking at/ scared of?

Parody movie of scream

Positioning/ body language and facial expressions is scared but over dramatic and gives an unserious sense.

Long shot- unconventional

Positioning is depressing

Enigma code- Who? What? Why? Where?

Pathetic fallacy

Almost fully monochrome

Art house film- quite unconventional

Genre: Thriller
Enigma Code:  What? Where?
Low angle shot
"I'am not scared": Juxtaposition, he is definitely scared, told by is facial expressions
In the title colour schemes seems like explosions

Genre: Action crime drama- Hybrid genre
Possible story line: In a city that is known for crimes and gangs a conflict occurs
Target audience: Young adults and up. Middle class
Low-key lighting- conventional, tells us there is a lot of fighting
Gun props: conventional, tells us there will be deaths and violence

Hybrid genre: Comedy, Action, Fantasy, horror, adventure
Brown and red colour scheme: Conventional pirate representation
The smoke: implies the adventure and fantasy 
Story line: Pirates protecting their own
Target audience: teens- adults. Mainstream audience attraction

Genre: Romance-Comedy Drama- Hybrid Genre
Critics Quote: to help and promote the movie saying it is good, also further representing the genre's
Target audience: young adults- Mainstream, not so niche
Bight lighting: Good vibes and happiness, conventional to the genre
The man and the woman shown in medium shot, are both protagonists and each other's antagonist as well as hero
Rom-com's are typically targeted to women 
The place of worship adds a religious element to it which widens the target audience to worldwide as it is showing both eastern and western qualities.

Genre: Mystery
Target audience: young adults
Conventional low lighting supports the genre
Medium shot showing the protagonist
faded Guys in the background creates and enigma code: Who?
Action codes of murder


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