Media Awards review

 Stalker Following the girls home (A-level course work)

- This video was really great and successfully portrayed mystery and suspense throughout the clip and through the use of camera angles and shots. The frequent uses of long angle shots gave a suspense feeling effectively making the audience wonder what is following them; the far shot creates an anonymous and fearful idea as it is as if the camera man or the audience is also afraid of the mysterious person and trying to keep a distance therefore highlighting how serious it is and heightens the experience. Just when each of the girls were about to get murdered, the close up on their face and then switch to the murderers face powerfully conveys the quickness and suddenness of it truly being something they didn't expect. The film was great.

Manipulating time (GCSE coursework)

- I found this creation great! The use of the editing creatively portrayed a fantasy idea, with the time relapsing and disappearance shows the genre of it was sci-fi fantasy (hybrid genre). The fast pace and camera angles implies the high emotion and adrenaline of the characters, really showing the audience what if happening. The film was great!


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